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Uniwersalny codec - malo inwazyjny , ectorn 11/02/08 21:01
Drodzy boardowicze! Poszukuje uniwersalnego codeca (>80%), ktory instalujac sie nie zagraca calego systemu oraz w miare mozliwosci latwo sie jest go pozbyc. Kiedys wykorzystywalem w tym celu ffdshow, czy warto kontyuowac, czy tez macie jakies wlasne spostrzezenia?
  1. fddshow , zgf1 11/02/08 21:07

    Leave me alone I know what I'm doing!

  2. jestem za , Shepard 11/02/08 21:08
    ffdshow. Nigdy mnie nie zawiodł.

  3. a ja ostatnio zmieniłem , ViS 11/02/08 21:09
    k-lite na CCCP i jestem bardzo zadowolony.

    I will not buy this record - it is

  4. sam uzywam , waski 11/02/08 21:11
    ffdshow (aktualnie beta4a) + real media alt + quick time alt + Haali Media Splitter i wszystko smiga... Odinstalowac mozna, tylko nie wiem w sumie po co ;)

    Jesli nie chcesz sobie zasmiecac systemu, to uzyj mplayera - instalowac nie trzeba, codeckow tez nie :)

    Situation Normal, All Fucked Up

    1. Popieram - najlepsze combo. Ja dokładam jeszcze AC3Filter. , Rhobaak 11/02/08 21:14

      Kor2dual3,2hZ overkloc,4Gbit Ram
      G-forc 460 gietex,barakudy
      Children of Neostrada Association MVP

  5. ja uzywam klite , Nazgul 11/02/08 21:11
    nigdy zadnych problemow nie mialem :)

    people can fly, anything
    can happen...

  6. CCCP - on ma takie założenia , kubazzz 11/02/08 21:16
    ma działać jak najwięcej materiałów, przy jak najmniejszej liczbie komponentów, a przy tym możliwe jest całkowite odinstalowanie.
    Lepszy od KLite..

    Jokes aside, the CCCP was created to replace the filter packs provided by several anime fansub groups into a single reliable pack capable of decoding practically any group's files - without breaking compatibility for other formats. Since then we've grown into a pack that can decode more or less anything that you will run into during your travels on the internet. We're supported and endorsed by a number of groups...

    Why Should I Use the CCCP?

    Because we couldn't find a codec pack that worked in all the cases.

    All the other codec packs that are around have at least one of the following problems:
    They just don't work.
    It's no good installing a codec pack if it doesn't help. The CCCP was put together to be able to play all the latest files by all anime groups and all videos in general.
    They damage your system.
    Some codec packs like the Nimo codec pack can actually cause damage to your system that can only be fixed with a format. Not cool. We wanted the CCCP to be a codec pack that was 100% safe. Please, if the CCCP ruins your system, tell us on our forums so we can fix it. Total number of irreversible errors caused by the CCCP: 0.
    They are bloated.
    When a codec pack has five decoders that do the same thing (as K-Lite does), it's almost impossible to work out what the problem is if something breaks. With the CCCP, we wanted to create a compact codec pack, which had less annoying extras, and fewer places for problems to crop up in.

    With the CCCP, we KNOW that when you install it properly, it just works. You don't need to mess around in the options to get it to work, and chances are it will resolve any other conflicts on install as well. We invented the CCCP so we can say "Uninstall everything else, install the pack and live forever happy". That said, for the adventurous there are pages of options available to tweak if you feel like it..


  7. kliper (graficzny mplayer), kmplayer , Robak 11/02/08 21:20
    oba z włąsnymi kodekami są nawet wersje bez instalacyjne.

    1. zadny kodek , RusH 11/02/08 22:50
      zgadzam sie w 100%
      zadnych kodekow, po prostu mplayer

      I fix shit

  8. zamienilem ffdshow na cccp , Kenny 11/02/08 22:37


    1. Noo... nie. , , , 11/02/08 23:10
      CCCP to JEST ffdshow + dodatki.

      * , , *

      1. noo , Kenny 11/02/08 23:22


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