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MAC OS X - ma ktos?? , Yorg 6/02/08 11:28
bo potrzebuje do celow szkoleniowych.

Znajomy ma jabluszko z zalozonym userem - jest maly problem - zalozyl haslo i zapomnial :D

Podobno mozna to obejsc przez reinstalacje sysa - tylko nie mamy zadnej plytki. Zassalem coz z mininovej, ale okazalo sie ze to wersja na PC :(


GG: 1706185
lub komórka :)

  1. jak wawa , lathander 6/02/08 11:59
    to pomoge ;]

    Greetings from Earth

    1. a mozesz mi wypalic DVD i wyslac?? , Yorg 6/02/08 15:47
      tak sie tylko pytam

      GG: 1706185
      lub komórka :)

      1. problemu by nie bylo , lathander 6/02/08 18:10
        gdyby nie brak czasu na taka czynnosc. pomysle zeby na ftp ci wrzucic to sobie zassiesz w nocy jutro. lacze 2 mb na wyjsciu wiec chyba spoko?

        Greetings from Earth

        1. no to mozemy zrobic inaczej - odpuscic chwilowo ssanie i wysylanie , Yorg 6/02/08 21:06
          bo jestem na urlopie (niejako zdrowotnym) w pl.

          Jak wroce do siebie do uk to wtedy zasse.

          Co Ty na to??

          GG: 1706185
          lub komórka :)

          1. oks , lathander 7/02/08 09:45
            to chwilowo nic nie ssie ;p

            Greetings from Earth

  2. Nie pamiętam dokładnie jak to robiłem, ale , Tomuś 6/02/08 13:19
    przy starcie kompa, naciskając odpowiednią kombinację klawiszy wprowadzisz kompa w tryb awaryjny i za pomocą bodajże 2,3 poleceń zmienisz sobie to hasło na takie które łatwiej zapamiętać :). Zmieniałem to tylko raz, a wyszukanie sposobu zajeło mi w googlach 10 minut ( dłużej niż sama operacja zmiany hasła ). Nie mogło to być trudne bo nigdy wcześniej nie miałem doczynienia z Mac-iem, nie znam angielskiego, a udało się za pierwszym razem. Powodzenia.

  3. Dwa sposoby , Paolo 6/02/08 13:42
    1. Sposob z plytka instalacyjna Mac OS X:

    For OS X use the following steps:

    "But what should you do if have forgotten your only administrator password? If this is the case, then this is the time to locate Mac OS X Installer CD. Unfortunately, I was unable to supply screen shots for the following instructions since I have to boot from the Installer CD which does not allow creation files (screen shots, in this case) on a locked volume, so follow these steps in order to reset the administrator password:

    1. Boot up from the Mac OS X Installer CD.

    2. Once you have reached the initial Installer screen, select Reset Password from the Installer menu. This will automatically launch the Reset Password application.

    3. With Reset Password active, select the Mac OS X volume which contains the password you wish to change.

    4. After selecting the Mac OS X volume, click on the popup menu for the admin user that you want to reset the password.

    5. Once you have selected the admin user, type in the new password that you want in both the "Enter a new password for this user" and in "Reenter the new password for this user" fields.

    6. Now click on the Save button to save the new password for this user.

    7. After clicking on the Save button, go ahead and quit the Reset Password application which will bring you back to the initial Installer screen.

    8. From the initial Installer screen, select Quit Installer for the Installer menu.

    9. You will then be prompted on whether you want to quit, select the Restart button in this dialog to restart your machine.

    NOTE: Another user with the Mac OS X Installer CD can gain unrestricted access to the computer, so remember to keep your Mac OS X Installer CD in a secure location."

    2. Sposob na juz zainstalowany Mac OS X:

    Instructions for the Mac OS X Password Recovery.

    Although there’s no real way to recover a lost root password, you can change the root password even if you do not know the current one. You must have physical access to the machine in order to accomplish this task.

    1. Click Restart at the login window

    2. While the computer is restarting, hold down “Command-S” until you see text scrolling through the window. This boots the computer into single user mode.

    3. At the Localhost% prompt type:

    /sbin/fsck -y
    /sbin/mount -uw /

    You will then see various services starting up.

    4. When the Localhost% prompt reappears, type:

    passwd [username]

    It will then ask you to type the new root password twice, so do so.

    (Though I’ve not tried it, it appears you can type niutil -list . /users to get a list if users if you do not know the username….if someone wants to verify this, I would be most appreciative).

    5. After entering the new password, type:


    6. At the login window, enter the username with the new password. Once you are logged in, you can use the Multiple Users application (/Applications/Utilities) to change your user’s password, or create a new user account.

    Note: this may not work for newer versions of OS X; I think they did something about it in a security update. I hope this helps you with Macintosh password recovery.

    Zycie jest jak pudelko czekoladek.
    Ngdy nie wiesz na co trafisz :)

    1. A zrodla tych dwoch sposobow tutaj , Paolo 6/02/08 13:45
      1 z CD instalacyjnego

      2 z zainstalowanego sysa

      Zycie jest jak pudelko czekoladek.
      Ngdy nie wiesz na co trafisz :)

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