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Oferta pracy w UK , garnek 16/02/07 14:08 Wiem, ze moze przydługie troche to, ale jesli ktoś zechce zawiesić oko na tym, wydać jakąś opinie, sugestie czy cokolwiek powiedzieć o tym, to bede wdzieczny.
A konkretnie - dostałem oferte pracy w UK. Nie znam tamtych realiów, nie znam życia i dlatego próbuje czegoś się dowiedzieć na ten temat.
Oto co mi zaoferowano:
Salary: £24k p.a.
Position: Full-time permanent position as a computer graphic
Start Date: To be confirmed with you should you accept, but we'd like you here as soon as humanly possible :)
Place of work:
Until June you'll be here (where you came for interview), but in June we are moving both our offices together into a single office in Horsham (which is a proper town about 4 miles from here - look it up on the web, it's a nice little English country town, came out really high up in the top ten of best places to live in the UK just recently). If you accept I'd advise you either get a place in Horsham and just put up with the journey here on buses each day, or sign up for a very short-term lease in Southwater and then move when the office moves.
Income Protection - covers up to 75% of your salary if you're unable to work for a long period due to illness or accident. Starts as soon as you start.
Death in Service Life Assurance Scheme - up to 85% of annual salary paid out as lump sum to nominee(s) of your choice should you die while working here, again starts as soon as you start.
Group Personal Pension plan - You can contribute as much or as little as you like to the plan (or not take it on at all - it's not obligatory) and the company will match this up to 5% of your annual salary. Offered this after 3 months.
BUPA healthcare scheme - the usual private health plan. Offered this after 3 months.
We also have an eye test/lenses reimbursement scheme (£20 to cover test; up to £60 toward glasses if you qualify, i.e. if the optician says it's worse cos of VDU use or you need 'em for VDU use).
We also have a bonus scheme but I cannot give you details on that as it is still being finalised and formalised.
We can offer a relocation reimbursement (i.e. you pay for your relocation yourself and then claim it back from us when you start) of up to £750. You can claim for anything at all that you spent on moving - flights, moving your gear, flat deposits/rent in advance, etc etc.
It's 22 days per calendar year, plus the UK bank holidays, plus 3 days at xmas to cover xmas week when we're closed (but those 3 days are "discretionary", i.e. if there's some disaster on a project they may ask people to come in on those days - not very likely though...)
We also have a flat-finding service with the biggest local estate agent. You just email me your requirements (size, location, cost, etc) and I will put you in touch with this agency. They will get together a list of possibles, pick you up at a pre-arranged place and time, show you round these places and then drop you off again. They will also reduce your administration fees by about £90, which is very helpful.
Wydaje mi sie ze oferta jak na pierwszą prace w UK jest dobra (chociaz w Polsce tez mam niezłą fuche - wiec tak czy siek biore na dystans oferty z zachodu), ale mimo wszystko może zerkniecie i powiedziec cos wiecej o tym - bede wdzieczny.- eee, a gdzie akapit Responsibilities??? , Kenny 16/02/07 15:49
poza tym co prawda kompletnie nie znam sie na komputerowych fuchach, ale z tego co sie orientuje, grafik komp. to moze chyba liczyc na 2x wyzsza pensje...? Pewno wiecej napisze Wyspowa frakcja Boarda :).:Pozdrowienia:. - No cóż ... , Muchomor 16/02/07 17:52
Może faktycznie grafik zarobi 2x więcej ale dotyczy to raczej grafików, którzy mają doświadczenie na miejscu. Dodam, że raczej nie byłoby łatwo znaleźć taką wspaniałą fuchę w małej mieścinie.
Przeglądając podobne oferty w Irlandii (u mnie) wygląda mi to na dość atrakcyjną propozycję. Jeśli faktycznie jest to mniejsze miasto to oznacza, że akomodacja będzie dużo tańsza. Jednym zdaniem - nie jest to zła oferta.Stary Grzyb :-) Pozdrawia
Boardowiczów - a zeby startowac jako grafik , kubazzz 16/02/07 20:11
to w jakim stopniu trzeba sie wykazac umiejetnosciami a w jakim stopniu papierkami?SM-S908
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