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>> Przetestuj swojego firewalla. Test. , tytan 17/01/07 19:25 Witam!
W ramach ciekawostki podaje linka do strony z testem poprawnosci pracy firewall'a. Wchodzac na strone:
i wybierajac opcje "ataku" serwis przetestuje skuteczosc ochrony naszego komputera przez sieciowymi wlamaniami.
Linka chyba nie bylo nigdy na boardzie, a mysle, ze czesc osob chetnie sprawdzi jak tam ich komputer jest chroniony;)
"Wciąż w pogoni za lepszej jakości
życiem..." - podepne sie , Grocal 17/01/07 19:27
i dodam to:
[ ]
Taki maly ranking firewalli.Na pewno, na razie, w ogóle...
Naprawdę, naprzeciwko, stąd...
Ortografia nie gryzie! - wszystko ok , Nazgul 17/01/07 20:50
powiedzial mi ze moj firewall dziala prawidlowo, to samo skanowanie portow, sa secure :) mam Kerio :) no i firewall linuxowy na serwerze :)people can fly, anything
can happen...
..Sunrise.. - looz , MatiZ 17/01/07 21:27
mam avasta i sie nie dobił :)Meet me after midnight #Farcry - avast produkuje firewalle? , palioza 17/01/07 22:18
zdawalo mi sie, ze tylko antywirusyUczyń coś idiotoodpornym, a ktoś
stworzy lepszą wersję idioty.
- Wszystko w porządeczku , DJopek 17/01/07 22:34
Kerio 4.x. - OK ;-) IE7 i zapora systemu windows , Artaa 17/01/07 22:37
coś słaby ten test , raport przejścia testu Ok poniżej
Traffic Sent
Packets were successfully sent to your computer. The server was unable to obtain a connection or any traffic from your computer. This generally indicates that your firewall blocked the traffic successfully.
If you did not see an event warning it may indicate that the traffic did not reach your computer at all.
This could be due to any of the following reasons:
You are connecting to the Internet through a proxy server. When we attempted to connect back to the IP address your web traffic came from we actually were connecting to the proxy server, not your computer.
You are behind a corporate firewall which is redirecting traffic in an unexpected manner.
You are connecting to the Internet through a NAT (network address translator). When we attempted to connect back to the IP address your web traffic came from we actually were connecting to the proxy server, not your computer.
In any of these cases you will not see an event notification on your computer because our connection attempt did not reach your computer. In any case, your computer is secure - wszystko OK; brak av oraz firewalla , Kenny 17/01/07 23:10
zgaduje ze to 'wina' routera wifi chello....:Pozdrowienia:. |
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