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Program do katalogowania plyt , Portal 10/11/06 20:15 Witam
Potrzebuje jakiegos dobrego programu do katalogowania swoich plyt ( tzn co na nich jest itp). Chce aby mial polski jezyk i zeby byl darmowy
Co mozecie polecic ?
A oczywiscie moze miec jeszcze jdna zalete - szyfrowanie pliku z baza plyt haslem- a nie lepiej niszczarke?:) , kubazzz 10/11/06 20:28
patrz post nizej.
Ja uzywalem polskiego programu BazaCD, serial za 5zl smsem. Nie powiem, ze go polecam, zreszta nie pamietam czy mial szyfrowanie, ale nie byl zly. To tak jakbys trafil na niego.SM-S908 - wiesz , Portal 10/11/06 20:29
nie wszystko co na plytach to odrazu nielegalne. Sa tez plyty z duza iloscia legalnych rzeczy i wlasnie takie chce katologowac.- hehe , kubazzz 10/11/06 20:32
zartuje sobie:)
oczywiscie ze nie wszystko musi byc nielegalne.SM-S908
- Zawsze był WhereIsIt ale , HURAN 11/11/06 08:23
to nie freeware :(are U ReadyNAS?? - Polecam, do ściągnięcia shareware, ma parę ograniczeń , Hiper 11/11/06 14:01
Unregistered Version Limitations
Unregistered version of WhereIsIt? has build-in some limitations in order to encourage registering this software. All of the following limitations are removed when the program is registered using the appropriate license key file.
The total allowed capacity of all media in a single catalog is limited to 2 GB. You will not be able to add more disk images to the catalog if the total sum of all media capacities in the catalog already exceeds this limit. If you want to add more data, you will have to open a new catalog.
- Only one catalog can be opened at the time. If you would like to work with another catalog, you must close the current one first.
- Auto-loading catalogs on program startup is disabled.
- Registered users can setup a list of catalogs to load automatically when program is starting, or select to open all catalogs that were opened in the last session.
- All reports will include a visible message saying they were generated with an unregistered version.
- Tips on program startup can not be disabled in the unregistered version. The first tip will always remind you that you are working with an unregistered shareware program.
- Script language is only available in registered version. Script language is mostly used for unattended catalog updates, or it can perform special tasks on program startup, for example, updating the catalog data when program starts, so you always have the latest state to work with.Szukam pracy jako informatyk (we
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