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Nowy wersja napoju dla "alcoholiców 120%" , Janusz 3/11/06 08:00
Wprowadzone zmiany /ze strony producenta/:
We have now released our latest version
Changelog for this version is
1. NEW. SPTD driver version 1.35.
2. NEW. Full Windows Vista RC2 (Build 5744) compatibility 32Bit and 64Bit editions.
3. NEW. RMPS V2, a totally new generation of our RMPS feature
4. NEW. Option to install Alcohol with or without Virtual drive function.
5. NEW. EWSS (Enhanced Weak Sector Scanner).
6. NEW. Shell Context Menu support in all x64 platforms. (XP, Windows Server 2003 and Vista RC2).
7. UPDATE. Shell Context Menu to sort drive list by drive letter, and single menu item when only one virtual drive is installed.
8. UPDATE. Alcohols Sector Viewer in CD/DVD Manager, now provides more detailed information for DVD.
9. UPDATE. Alcohol data type profiles.
10. UPDATE. "Ignore Media Type" Function; to include DVD media.
11. UPDATE. Alcohols help files
12. UPDATE. Language Translations
13. UPDATE. Alcohols Virtual Drive engine.
14. UPDATE. Alcohols write engine
15. UPDATE. Alcohols read engine
16. FIX. Missing installed device drivers list in Alcohols system report for X64 platforms.
17. FIX. "Invalid User Buffer." Error, that affected some systems.
18. FIX. Minor bugs reported by users.
19. FIX. Problem related to U3 USB if RMPS function was active
20. FIX. Problem related to Acronis True Image issue
21. FIX. Problem related to Mac Drive issue
22. ADDED. Support for more devices, you can find more detailed information on our development page at warto być człowiekiem,
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