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emule transfery , petrumi 24/07/06 17:41 witam.
co proponujecie zmienić w ustawieniach żeby szybciej działał?
mam w ciągu dnia 2Mbit/384kbps w nocy 4Mbit/384
Ponieważ nie jestem specem od ustawień, uruchomiłem Wizarda i ten wybrał:
max sources 750, connections 800.
Wysyła 32, ściąga 60-80. Problem w tym , że w nocy na takich samych ustawieniach śmiaga dwa razy szybciej ale nadaj nie jest to dobre wykorzystanie downloadu. Gdzie strzelić z bata żeby muł przyśpieszyć ?
wersja ionix4.33 bez tweakowania.- takie coś znalazłem w komentarzach plików.... , john565 24/07/06 17:45
nie wiem ile wtym prawdy, może cos pomoże z tych wskazówek
How to speed up your eMule downloads – in just 8 simple steps
[based on ALFAROMEO (ITA) advice - Grazie ! / Thanks !].
All these actions are aimed at increasing your eMule credit system standing at a benefit to you but others in the network too.
1 – you need to have many (more than 500 to have higher score) SHARED FILES. To do this go to: Preferences -> Directories and mark all the directories in which files for sharing are located. ATTENTION: if you mark a particular directory the selection is not propagated to subdirectories. IN SHORT – SELECT ALL DIRECTORIES DEDICATED TO SHARING INDIVIDUALLY
2 - once you have selected the shared files you need to mark all of them as “release”. To do this: go to “Shared files” on eMule’s top toolbar, select all files (e.g. CTRL+A) and right-click on them. You will see an options window in which do the following: Priority (Upload) -> Release
3 – go to Preferences -> Connection and run connection wizard. Make sure you select the right type of connection or enter your values manually. The wizard will assign your upload and download limits. Do not change them if you want to maintain your high credit rating.
4 - in Preferences -> extended settings find an option – ”Upload Speed Sense” and select “Find best upload limit automatically”. This increases your credit rating by 6000 points !
5 - make sure that in your Preferences -> Connection -> Network (bottom right corner) both the KAD and eD2K are selected. This makes sure you use both networks
6 - always connect to well established servers: such as Razorback, Big Bang, ChezToff – you will best determine this by sorting the servers list by clicking the “Files” tab
7 – if you want to avoid receiving spam messages such as EmuleFX or Zambor go to Preferences -> Security -> Messages and in the field below enter a string containing “forbidden” phrases divided by |. For example - (FX|zambor|Dl-Emule|)
8 – AND NOW IMPORTANT BIT – to make this work, share the file with this instruction and go to Shared Files -> right click on your most popular file(s) -> Edit file comments -> insert this text “FASTER eMule downloads – download FAST EMULE IN 8 STEPS.txt”
The results of these actions are visible after a few days but are well worth the effort!!!
GOOD LUCK – [LookAtUS]f*ck - tutaj masz przykładowe ustawienia , perek 24/07/06 18:04
ale znajac życie od tych ustawień wiele ważniejsze jest to co sie sciagaPowered by Intel 286 ;-) - może to pomoże , rrafaell 24/07/06 21:04żytkownicy wszelakich
procesorów łączcie się. :-) - Aster? , MARC 26/07/06 00:16
Z parametrow predkosci, to to wyglada na Astera, wiec polecam odpowiednie forum, godzie masz to wszystko przerobione setki razy. Nawet wlasna wersje eMule mamy:
(Jak ktos nie moze wejsc na strone to sorry. takie wyzsze ustalenia sa. Dla wszystkich jest ) |
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