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A R C H I W A L N A W I A D O M O Ś Ć |
nowe logo pirate bay feniks z popiolow - chlopaki wychodza na prosta ;) , XiSiO 16/06/06 11:36 So the site took a trip to the Netherlands, but we got so homesick we just couldnt take it. We had to go back to beautiful Sweden!
The big plan is to spread the site on different locations all over the world, so it will be faster and harder to take down. People and companies from various countries have already offered servers, bandwidth and money. It's almost as the site has it's own will (skynet anyone?) and it don't want to die!
We still have some trouble with those 404-torrents and the statistics. So just hang in there. If there are some troubles, we know about them. We have a nice list with various problems that we are checking of one by one. Since we do this on our free time (we all have regular day jobs you know) everything cant be done at once. But the aim is always to make this beast the biggest, strongest and coolest site for filesharing in the world!"Przyjaźń - bezcenna za wszytko inne
zapłacisz adeną" (C) XiSiO - nie mogę się doczekać , m_aczo 16/06/06 11:49
aż będzie wszystko działało tak jak należy, teraz ściąganie plików to masakra... |
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