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[OT]Jaka to melodia... , tecep 6/06/06 11:36 no wiec wczoraj taki utworek uslyszalem, tzn. z takim refrenem "ridigi ding ding ding ridigi dong dong dong.............don don don do dooooooooooooo";)Kto to gra?;)Taki starszy utworek;)Aha nie jest to Gunter;)taaaaaaaaa..... - Roger , celt 6/06/06 12:16
Waters ?Everything should be made as simple as
possible, but no simpler - no chyba nie az tak stare i dynamiczne takie;) , tecep 6/06/06 12:27
Bylem wczoraj na miescie i lecialy remiksy z lat 80 i 90;)taaaaaaaaa..... - Roger , celt 6/06/06 12:38
Prawdopodobnie jest to DJ Bobo, na pewno nie jest to Roger Waters! :DEverything should be made as simple as
possible, but no simpler
- Roger , RoBakk 6/06/06 12:36
Moore ?Najlepszym sposobem zamawiania
piwa jest powiedzenie: Ubik - Demi , celt 6/06/06 12:39
Moore :)Everything should be made as simple as
possible, but no simpler - Patrick , Conroy 6/06/06 13:48
Moore :P
- odp , Magnus 6/06/06 12:42
Passion Fruit - Rigga Ding Dong Song - to wlasnie to:) , tecep 6/06/06 13:09
dzieki:)taaaaaaaaa..... - wrr mialo byc pod Magnusem;) , tecep 6/06/06 18:51
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