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spojrzcie na :] , MARtiuS 7/04/05 17:53 123123feci, quod potui, faciant meliora
GG 617689 - A dokladniej? , Kilgor-Admin 7/04/05 17:56
j.w.Pozdr. Kilgor
Admin Board'a - no właśnie coś... , ulan 7/04/05 17:57
dokładniej.pozdr. ułan vel ulan
"Uwielbiam zapach napalmu
o poranku..." - no patrze, patrze , sakooL 7/04/05 17:57
i nic nie widze - skoro u Was nic to... , MARtiuS 7/04/05 18:01
chyba u mnie sie cos porabalo bo wyswietla taki oto tekst a pod nim obrazek
fellow bought a new car, a Nissan, and was quite happy with his purchase.
He was something of an animist, however, and felt that the car really ought
to have a name. This presented a problem, as he was not sure if the name
should be masculine or feminine.
After considerable thought, he settled on an naming the car either
Belchazar or Beaumadine, but remained in a quandry about the final choice.
"Is a Nissan male or female?" he began asking his friends. Most of
them looked at him pecularly, mumbled things about urgent appointments, and
went on their way rather quickly.
He finally broached the question to a lady he knew who held a black
belt in judo. She thought for a moment and answered "Feminine."
The swiftness of her response puzzled him. "You're sure of that?" he
"Certainly," she replied. "They wouldn't sell very well if they were
"Unhhh... Well, why not?"
"Because people want a car with a reputation for going when you want
it to. And, if Nissan's are female, it's like they say... `Each Nissan, she
[No, we WON'T explain it; go ask someone who practices an oriental
martial art. (Tai Chi Chuan probably doesn't count.) Ed.]feci, quod potui, faciant meliora
GG 617689 - ostatnia podróż , negef 7/04/05 18:02
czyli rejs... do Vallhalli- czyżby zahakowana? , negef 7/04/05 18:08
- ja mam normalnie... , john565 7/04/05 18:16
moze kolega gdzieś literówke czyni w adresief*ck - sprawdz poczte , MARtiuS 7/04/05 18:25
uno due trefeci, quod potui, faciant meliora
GG 617689 - a może przeglądarke zmień , john565 7/04/05 19:27
może dnsa ??!!f*ck
- juz wrocilo do normy , MARtiuS 7/04/05 19:50
czort wi co to bylofeci, quod potui, faciant meliora
GG 617689 - no, a u mnie cos takiego , Yosarian 7/04/05 20:19
czarne tło i w lewym górnym rogu zieloną czcionką
"There is nothing wrong with abstinence, in moderation."
a po środku fotka korony drzew "pod słońce" ????All the best people in life seem to like
Steve Wozniak
- a fotka ma taki adres , Yosarian 7/04/05 20:20 the best people in life seem to like
Steve Wozniak
- hmm... , Yosarian 7/04/05 20:26
wpisałem w google i klikiem wszedłem bez problemu na strone Woja a gdy za chwile kliknólem na link do fotki j.w. to taki komunikat wyskoczył
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coś chyba Wojo przy stronie robi albo jemu robią ;-))All the best people in life seem to like
Steve Wozniak
- tak... , Yosarian 7/04/05 20:35
jak wyłaczę to pojawia się dziwna wersja benchmarka, po każdorazowym odświeżaniu wyskakuja różne obrazki i różne"złote myśłi" the best people in life seem to like
Steve Wozniak
- to jak to możliwe , Yosarian 7/04/05 20:38
żeby tak podmieniał zawartość strony ... chyba że pokazuje starą zhakowaną zawartość strony lub sam został zhakowany ;-))All the best people in life seem to like
Steve Wozniak
- ja jak wyłącze proxy to , malcolm_x 7/04/05 20:56
ładuje mi sie normalna strona benchmarka ale jak włacze proxy wyskakuje dziwne strony jak u ciebie ;-)
- dokladnie to samo co u mnie , MARtiuS 7/04/05 20:35
a po odswiezeniu strony wyskakiwaly inne obrazki i tekstyfeci, quod potui, faciant meliora
GG 617689
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