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[OT] zamkniete. :( , Mms 5/12/05 00:53
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
The end of the road.
As of December 1st 2005 will no-longer exist. I am sorry about this, but after over a month of battling flood attacks and the like it's time to kill the tracker.
The flood play a large part in my decision, but they are by far not the only reason.The number of donations are not covering the server costs, (€35 last month), and I really can't afford to keep supporting the site, there are also many other reasons NONE of which have anything to do with legal threats etc.
During our time in the BitTorrent community, we have really made a differences and a huge impression. We have worked directly with admin and developers from all aspects of the community, for instance we became the first XBNBT based tracker to run with over 100,000 peers, we broke the XBTT record with over 763,000 peers.
But it's time to say goodbye and thank you to everyone who ever graced us with your .torrents. I have had a wonderful time running the site and have loved every minute of it, but now it's just not fun anymore and it should be.
I want to give my personal thanks to the following people who over the last few years really helped make Mongo what it was.
Emma, Hyrle, =Xotic=, Varlock, XTF, Niek, 2Dog, UnSpawn, The_8472, Confused_Fish, Rhomboid, Sloncek and Gert. And many many more I have forgotten.
We have also worked closely with many sites, to name a few;,,,,,,, #VTV and many many more.
As for what the future holds, who knows, I am sure Mongo will come back in some form or another, maybe another huge leap like V1 to V2 was, who knows, but we will no longer be a BitTorrent tracker anymore. For those looking for alternates, just look around, you will soon find a new home, for those wanting code, it's all original XBTT code.
Goodbye and thanks again!
Love it, hate it, remember it!
No to teraz pelno torrentow lezy.Pozdrawiam - szkoda , PIvO 5/12/05 01:13
imho :/[A kiedy odetna siec]
[Przestane istniec]
[mail:] - to jest wlasnie najwieksza wada , kubazzz 5/12/05 09:46
nie znasz dnia ani godziny kiedy cos padnie.
a zeby dotrzec do niektorych rzeczy trzeba sie napracowac.
Mysle ze juz czas na jakies rewolucyjne ulepszenie p2p.SM-S908 - takie , McMi21 5/12/05 09:50
ulepszenie powstalo jeszcze przed rozpowszechnieniem torrentow i "nazywa sie" edonkey/emule- Z kolejkami , Poke 5/12/05 10:33
i siaganiem jednego smiesznego filmu przez 2 dni. W torrencie juz jest DHT.09 sierpien 2008 - penitentiam agite - i ja z tego ulepszenia , kubazzz 5/12/05 13:32
korzystalem juz tez od dawna.
niestety ed2k ma chyba jeszcze wiecej wad niz torrent przy jednoczesnie bardzo duzej ilosci zalet.
zadne p2p nie jest jak na razie najlepsze w kazdej dziedzinie. w sumie najblizej jest torrent.
I moim kryterium oceny nie jest tylko patrzenie ile mam KB/s, czyli bezwgledna predkosc pobierania. To co wg mnie wyznacza dobre p2p to:
-dostepnosc materialow i latwosc przeszukiwania
-otwartosc dla nowych uzytkownikow
-efektywnosc rozprowadzania
-efektywnosc wykorzystania przepustowosci lacz
Emule ma najwieksze zasoby i bardzo latwo je przeszukiwac. Niestety rozprowadzanie ich jest tragiczne, a zarzadzanie transferami przecietne.SM-S908
- [;..;] , GesTee 5/12/05 10:53
moze G2G :-):)
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