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FARCRY - utknąłem - pomocy!... , steve 3/11/04 23:36 Witam.
Gram właśnie na poziomie ARCHIVE. Znajduję się w takim wielkim magazynie z kontenerami w którym gromada żołnierzy i wielki "mięśniak" tłukli się ze sobą. Po zaprowadzeniu porządku (czyli wszyscy przeciwnicy kaput) łażę po tym magazynie i nie wiem co dalej :(
Po wciśnięciu TAB pokazuje mi się: "Go to the last working cargo elevator". W dwóch przeciwnych miejscach magazynu na takich szynach znajdują się wyciągi na których wiszą kontener i skrzynia. Pod tą skrzynią jest pognieciona krata przez którą widać prowadzący gdzieś kanał, ale nie mogę jej w żaden sposób rozwalić aby się tam dostać (o ile to możliwe...). Próbowałem zrzucić tą wiszącą skrzynię na tą kratę mając nadzieję, że spadająca skrzynia zrobi w kracie dziurę, ale nic z tego...
Co powinienem zrobić?????
Pozdrawiam."...Mówić można z każdym,
rozmawiać - mało z kim..." - dobrze znasz angielski? , Keeper 3/11/04 23:43
sam w to nie gralem, ale tu:
masz dokladny opis przejscia...------- - i tu: , Keeper 3/11/04 23:44
ladniejszy link :D------- - Cosik nie działa :( ... , steve 3/11/04 23:50
Referrer Link Error"...Mówić można z każdym,
rozmawiać - mało z kim..." - ok: , Keeper 3/11/04 23:59
tak to powinno wygladac pod podanym wyzej linkim:
[L. Archive]
Mission Difficulty Rating: 9/10.
Mission Checkpoints: 9
Mission Overview: Find Val.
Welcome to Trigen Central. Population: A lot. Grab the body armor in
front of you and proceed through the double doors. Ahead and to the
right, we witness a new pain in the ass. Cloaked Trigen. Remember
Cloaked Flood from Halo? These are the same pain in the ass losers.
Take this one out with the Cry Vision. Next, stock up on the ammo and
Open the door in front of you by accessing the switch. There will be
About 2-3 more cloaked trigen that charge you. Get some cover behind
the control panel while you wait for the door to open and shoot them down.
Once the coast is clear, head through this torn up room and to your 11 o’clock.
Head up stairs there and turn left to see a fight between a couple of
scientists and the trigen. Watch out for the scientists though as they are
packing some shotguns. Personally, I would just use the stealth to your
advantage and shoot down the winner of the fight then throw a frag in to end
their lives. In this room, there should be a ‘tank’ like structure at the 11
o’clock. Shoot the glass and make sure you have all of your weapons reloaded.
Inside should be two cloaked trigen and you will land in the middle of them.
Your main goal should be to drop in and waste all of your ammo on one of them,
quickly changing guns while seeking cover, and returning fire to the should.
Both should be next to a pillar so use this to your advantage as well.
Now I got a lot of email about this on where to go next since all the doors are
locked. If you look, right underneath where you landed should be some boards
and barrels. Push them aside and dive in. Once you swim to the bottom, look for
the “vent” and swim exactly forward, past the air torrents, and into another
vent. Once you reach the end, swim up. Get out of the pool and climb up the
ladder. Look left and immediately blow down this trigen pain in the ass. Go up
behind the dead scientists and find the lever to open all security doors. Now
take the only other door in this room out. Head down the stairs as Doyle says
something about Super Elite Mercs sent in to dispose of the trigen and you –
well for starters, we know it’s not important so open the door :^)
Here should be 3 more friends that somehow appeared out of nowhere. Shoot them
down (don’t be afraid to run back) and go to your 10 o’clock in this room. Open
that door and go to the end of that hallway. Grab the ammo and health and go to
the elevator. Here’s a nice and little discovery. Roll and barrel into the
elevator and seek cover behind it in the prone position as it goes down. Once
you arrive at your destination, crawl to the side of the barrel and shoot the
mercs. Sometimes you will get hurt, others you won’t, but take a chance with
this method. Grab the ammo and precede further, taking a left into this next
new hallway.
This part is a monster. Don’t worry as you should have a checkpoint right about
now, but reload all your guns. My suggestion would be to have the P90, with the
M4, and another rapid assault weapon in case. Memorize the positions the guns
are in as you won’t have enough time to reload, so you will have to switch
weapons. Take your first right into the new area by blasting a merc
investigating a sound. Look a bit left to see another merc by the control
panel. Shoot him down as well. Now to go the right ‘sides’ of this platform,
down the stairs, and shoot the merc around the corner. Do the same for the left
side. Also, once down at the left side, stock up on ammo and armor, and head up
the left stairs. Exactly across from you will be a sniper and to the right a
bit should be a merc with a Rocket Launcher. Both pose a threat if you’re
playing on the harder difficulty. So if you are, your best bet would be to go
through the thousands of crates on the lower levels. I however was stubborn
enough to proceed along the catwalks throwing grenades into the crates and
seeking cover behind the pillars.
Both paths work, but the main concern is which one would work for you. There
should be no more than 6 mercs in this area remaining so you would be easily
able to pick them off with the CryVision which you should use *A LOT*. Once
your done go to the very far catwalk and grab the rocket launcher along with
the keycard. The exit should be 2 o’clock from your original point of entry.
Slip the keycard through and head down the long hallway for a checkpoint. Peak
around the next corner to the left and grab that Launcher. You will now be
using 1 rocket here (save the ammo for later). Fire into the trigen at the far
distance and two more should emerge from the left. Pick them off with the P90
or M4. Head down the hallway forward waiting the sides in case another trigen
is once. Once your at the end, find the door the says “Exit” on it (left of
broke elevator). Go there and down the end. Take a left, and run forward for a
In this next part, you’re going to end up using more of your sniper and rocket
ammo, but it’s for a good cause. Start out by running all the way down until
you see the outside. Fire a rocket to the opposite side where you see a trigen
being shot in the back by a bunch of mercs, haha. Grab your sniper rifle (which
you should have) and fire it at the merc whose proned in the central bridge and
also the merc with the rocket launcher on that huge tower. At soon as you see
the Merc transport plane, run all the way down the hallway into the open right
under where the plane hovers. Shoot the mercs that jump down and grab their
armor. Now run forward and find Forklift. Yay! Grab it and head across the
bridge driving over/shooting any mercs that you come across. Also take note of
the trail the forklift was facing. You could drive down that trail and find a
structure with a health kit and some nads inside. Once all enemies are dead,
head to the double doors at the opposite side. Checkpoint.
The mercs should be distracted as a Trigen roars and breaks free of his cage.
You could use this to your advantage. Head down the right side shooting at
mercs that you come across. Forget the runaway trigen and find a box hanging by
a chain. Shoot the chain and the box should fall through weakened section of
the floor. Quickly make a run of it and jump down and into the vents. Crawl
forward and emerge at the opposite side. Climb up the stairs and secure the
area (note: there may or may not be a merc as I fragged the area before
climbing the ladder. If you head down this narrow hallway, you’ll see a health
kit at the other side, grab it and backtrack to the vents from which you
emerged from. Opposite should be an elevator and the call switch. Call the
elevator and head inside. Another level complete.------- - Udało się :) ... , steve 4/11/04 00:14
Trzeba było strzelić dokładnie w łańcuch i skrzynia spadła :).
A ja wcześniej waliłem z granatnika do dźwigu lub do skrzyni i nic - a wystarczyła jedna kula w łańcuch...
WIELKIE DZIĘKI za podpowiedź!!!
Pozdrawiam."...Mówić można z każdym,
rozmawiać - mało z kim..." - a moze będzie ci łatwiej z polska solucją ? , trol 4/11/04 07:31 Dzięki! Może się jeszcze przyda :) , steve 4/11/04 07:43
..."...Mówić można z każdym,
rozmawiać - mało z kim..."
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