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jezeli ktos moze to niech sprawdzi moja prace z anglika , MTY 5/10/03 11:13
znam sie na angielskim ale nie uzywalem go od konca roku szkolnego :) a wiec pewnie bedzie w tym tekscie pelno bledow :D

Charles Dickens was born on friday, february 7, 1812 in Portsmouth. His father was a clerk which earned relatively little money. Charles moved to London in 1822. His education was interrupted by need to take poorly-paid work in factory. In 1823 he became solicitor’s clerk and in 1824 a newspaper reporter. His first story was published in 1825 anonymously and he got no money for it. He’s first pen name was Boz. Dickens fell in love and married Catherine Hogarth and he had 10 children with her. In the year 1842 Charles wisited United States of America, he was very well-known there and treated as a real celebrity. From 1837 till 1865 some of his finest wrightings were published, many stories like Oliwer Twist, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield and A Tale of Two Cities in instalments or monthly parts. Year 1858 was a very bad year for Dickens, he and his wife got separated, he also became very exhausted and ill, but the worst year of his life was 1870, becouse that was the year when Dickens died. He was buried in Westminister Abbey.

  1. a clerk who (a nie which) earned , Klinton 5/10/03 11:29
    ja bym napisal by need of taking
    and he recived (got) no money
    Name of he`s first pen was BOZ.
    Traktuj to raczej jako moje sugestie a nie poprawianie bledow, bo nie jestem az tak dobry z angola zeby poprawiac czyjes bledy. Pozdrawiam.
    P.S. Przed ostatnie zdanie mnie rozwalilo...

    I`m nobody... Nobody is perfect!

  2. because , Dhoine 5/10/03 12:41
    a nie becouse - ale moze to literowka przy przepisywaniu.

  3. Może trochę za dużo trybu biernego? , j23 5/10/03 13:42
    Jak ja tak mówię, to mój jankeski kuzyn śmieje się ze mnie że mówię bibilijną angielszczyzną...

    Dumny nosiciel moherowego beretu!
    Me gustan tomar mis copas
    Żubrówka es lo mejor!

  4. dzieki za pomoc , MTY 5/10/03 15:04
    a co do biblijnej angielszczyzny to raczej mojemu nauczycielowi anglika nie bedzie to przeszkadzac

  5. Klinton , MTY 5/10/03 15:11
    co do ps to masz racje troche dziwnie to napisalem :)
    ale nie wiem jak to ujac inaczej
    jezeli masz jakies sugestie to napisz

    1. rok, w którym umieramy niekoniecznie musi być najgorszy... , Miro 5/10/03 16:28
      ... to raczej fakt śmierci bywa nieprzedni :P

      PS. "Exhausted and ili..." - dopisz po kropce, że to było przyczyną jego śmierci w roku 1870.

    2. nie spoko zdanie , Klinton 5/10/03 16:50
      jest gramatycznie poprawne tylko troche dziwnie brzmi, ale generalnie jest ok. moze byc troche prosciej: ...became very exausted and ill and then in 1870, after 12 years of separation Dickens died.

      I`m nobody... Nobody is perfect!

  6. No z tego co pamietam.. , Flo 5/10/03 17:02
    to Firday i February bys musial z duzej litery napisac..

  7. Check this out , Kenny 6/10/03 01:17
    Charles Dickens was born on Friday, 7 February, 1812, in Portsmouth. His father who was a clerk earned relatively little money. Charles moved to London in 1822. His education was interrupted by the need to take poorly-paid work in a factory. In 1823 he started working as solicitor’s clerk; in 1824 as a newspaper reporter. His first story was published in 1825 anonymously; he did not receive any money for it. His first pen name was Boz. Dickens fell in love and married Catherine Hogarth; he had 10 children with her. In the year 1842 Charles visited the United States of America. He was very well-known there and was treated as a celebrity. Between 1837 and 1865 some of his finest writings were published. Many stories like Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield and A Tale of Two Cities appeared in instalments or monthly episodes. The year 1858 was very bad for Dickens - he and his wife separated; he also became very exhausted and ill. But the worst year of his life was 1870, because that was the year when Dickens died. He was buried in Westminster Abbey.

    ze wzgledu na pore nie biore za to odpowiedzialnosci ;)


    1. zapomnialem o , Kenny 6/10/03 01:24
      th po 7

      i ma byc need to take up poorly paid job

      i bez very przed well known

      i skoncz zdanie po instalments bo dalej to maslo maslane

      i bez przecinka przed because

      i de juz spac


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