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Problem ze squidem... , kaszpio 16/04/03 20:45
Wiec mam sobie dzialajacego squida...ale chcialbym zeby cache lezal na innym dysku...
No to w squid.conf wpisuje mu inna sciezke do nowej partycji...Tworze katalog na niej z prawami zapisu przez squida...
Wklepuje w konsoli: squid -z a ten uparcie chce stworzyc cache w starej lokalizacji, ktora wywaliłem w kosmos...;-)

[root@zeus root]# squid -z
2003/04/16 20:46:53| Creating Swap Directories
FATAL: Failed to make swap directory /var/spool/squid: (13) Permission denied
Squid Cache (Version 2.4.STABLE7): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.002 seconds = 0.000 user + 0.002 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 6
[root@zeus root]#

dlaczego squid probuje caly czas zapisac w starym folderze majac wpisane w configu nowa lokalizacje?

Toshiba Tecra S11-124

  1. eee... , Holek 16/04/03 20:59
    a jak wyglada Twoj cache_dir ?

    mniej wiecej tak: ?

    cache_dir ufs /usr/local/squid/cache 100 16 256

    " I am on The Road again..."

    1. a tak w ogole... , Holek 16/04/03 21:01
      to znalazlem w moich zbiorach cos takiego... dosc wazne i mozna zrobic z tego uzytek. Niestety musisz sam tlumaczyc:)

      The cache_dir type in Squid has nothing to do with the underlying filesystem type, it defines the storage method / implementation.
      Currently Squid has 4 different implementations:
      ufs :- On top of a normal filesystem supporting directories and files.
      aufs :- As "ufs", but using threads to implement non-blocking disk I/O
      diskd :- As "ufs", but using a separate process to implement non-blocking disk I/O
      coss :- An experimental "raw" filesystem, where all objects are stored in one big file.
      Other storage methods are being worked upon
      Kind of diskd is designed to work around the problem of blocking IO in a unix process. async ufs gets around this by using threads to complete disk IO. diskd uses external processes to complete disk IO.
      Asyncufs works just that little bit faster, but only works on systems where threads can do async disk IO without blocking the main process. Systems with user-threads (eg FreeBSD) can not use this effectively. Diskd, being implemented as an external process, gets around this. If cache is slightly active, then the difference cannot be noticed. diskd/aufs are only useful when the cache is under high load.
      In case it was not clear, asyncronous I/O (diskd/aufs) is beneficial for single drive configurations with "higher" request loads, in many cases allowing you to push about 100% more I/O thru the drive before latency creeps up too high.
      For multiple drive configurations, it is almost a requirement to be able to use the I/O capacity of the extra drives. Without it, a multiple disk configuration is effectively limited to almost the speed of a single disk configuration. With asyncronous I/O, the disk I/O scales quite well (at least for the first few drives, other limits gets very apparent when you have more than ~3 drives).

      " I am on The Road again..."

    2. moj cache dir... , kaszpio 17/04/03 09:18
      wyglada tak:
      cache_dir ufs /mnt/caviar2/squid_cache 500 32 512

      a on dalej swoje...

      Toshiba Tecra S11-124

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