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Nowa Opera Beta 7.10 (tak, tak!) , Poke 4/04/03 17:15
Alez przeskok z 7.03 na 7.10 - moze wreszcie wzieli sie do roboty, bo jak narazie tak sobie. Ale po co pisza ze to beta, przeciez chyba wsztskie do tej pory sa beta, a przynajmniej takie mam odczucia.

Dostapna oczywsicie na FTP Opery.

09 sierpien 2008 - penitentiam agite

  1. tak, tak... , capri 4/04/03 17:27

    Quidquid latine dictum sit,
    altum videtur

  2. uzywam i pochwalam wersje 7.03 , Outsider 4/04/03 17:32
    narazie jeszcze sie wstrzymam z instaloaniem najnowszej. Puki co obecna bardzo mi sie podoba.

    btw. mam ja niedlugo i jeszcze sie nia nie nacieszylem :)

    Okiełznany Ukierunkowany Twór
    Sometimes Informatycznie

    1. Również jestem zadowolony , Mademan 4/04/03 18:40
      Żeby nie powiedzieć zachwycony tą wersją Opery. Stronki ładują mi się 2 razy szybciej niz w IE :))

      1. hehe , mirkrup 4/04/03 18:47
        a zobacz też przy okazji "Fast Browser" 180 stron otwiera jednocześnie.

  3. to ja powiem o nowych funkcjach , myszon 4/04/03 23:53
    przerobiona zakladka transfers - nawet na waskim pasku mieszcza sie wszystkie dane, a to dlatego, ze sa wyswietlane na zmiane na pasku postepu.

    Dodana zakladka notes - mozna sobie dowolny fragment tekstu skopiowac. Cos a'la schowek w office XP

    No i oficjalna lista:
    Opera 7.1 for Windows has the following changelog:

    M2, Opera's new e-mail and news client

    * Automatically mark messages as read after X seconds if they are in a view where read messages can be shown. View->Mark as read to turn on.
    * M2 remembers sorting of e-mail messages between sessions
    * When using mark all as read on a folder, m2 will now only mark read messages that are actually visible in the access point (not hidden newsgroup messages for instance).
    * Let space bar used in mail be page down and when at bottom, mark as read and go to next unread, and if no more unread, go to next normal read message
    * Resize column headers
    * Improved status indication in M2
    * Keyboard navigation in M2: F7 focuses Hotlist panel, F8 mail headers, F9
    * Inherit filter from parent folder added to m2 filters. More exactly: Limits filtering to messages contained in parent.
    * IMAA-support (should solve problems with unicode in incoming from addresses

    User interface features

    * Cookie Manager implemented
    * Wand Manager implemented
    * Notes panel: Select some text on a page, press Ctrl+Shift+C (copy to note). The lower HotList pane is a text field where you can edit the selected note real-time, no saving needed. Text on a webpage copied directly to a note (Copy to note) becomes a special web note with a different icon and double clicking the note opens that web page url (but does not scroll down) and auto selects the text
    * Added Page Info panel in HotList
    * FastForward can now be used as a "slide show" on galleries, like
    * Improved fast forward, everything is now defined in fastforward.ini
    * When spacing to bottom of page, invoke fast forward
    * Added .shtml as extension for html documents in addition to .htm, .html, since shtml is commonly used by web servers
    * It is now possible to change view style both in hotlist and in bookmark manager
    * Support for an alternative Ctrl+TAB mode
    * Export Bookmarks file as html
    * Enhanced tooltips for bookmarks and Page bar tabs
    * Added 'Rewind' button to jump back quickly
    * Support for downloading setup files for menus and keyboard shortcuts.

    Accessibility Features

    * Pressing down arrow in a single line edit field (in forms for example) will now open a dropdown menu with personal info and all notes. Similiarly, pressing down in To,CC,BCC opens the same kind of menu as pressing the To,cc,bcc buttons.

    More features

    * :hover and :active now only apply to links (as in, hover and/or active without any other selector)
    * The Transfer panel now contains two columns, where the last toggles between filesize and progress
    * Changes in Transfer panel
    * Preferences redone/reorganized/improved
    * Added options for location of progress bar
    * First time setup dialog
    * Various improvements to the Wand (save for page or entire server)
    * Improved bookmark handling, including split view and flat/single folder view
    * Manage contacts dialog
    * Improved bookmark import
    * The new setup manager with options on first run


    * Status bar text when hovering bookmarks and contacts
    * Status bar text for items in the personal toolbar
    * Support for actions in bookmark folders
    * Fixed a hang on pages that used % height on replaced content in tables
    * Plugins: avoid JS url loading when JS is switched off.
    * Made it possible to tab to the Hotlist selector
    * Fix for @media handheld (which can be used to override SSR)

    1. No niezle! , Poke 5/04/03 10:46
      A poparwili "exit"?

      09 sierpien 2008 - penitentiam agite

      1. nie wiem , myszon 5/04/03 23:55
        nigdy nie uzywalem. Ale slyszalem ze w 7.03 juz dzialal

  4. imho , ::.admin.:: 5/04/03 23:29
    zdecydowanie lepszym rozwiazaniem jest Mozilla 1.3PL - rox

    ::.Ostateczny Autorytet, Ktorego Nalezy
    Sluchac Za Wszelka Cene.::

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