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Lekcja angielskiego: , JanoszW 4/04/01 18:29 Don't make a village - nie rob wiochy
Don't turn my guitar - nie zawracaj mi gitary
Penis is walking around me - ch... mnie to obchodzi
A shit is going around me - gowno mnie obchodzi
I tower you - wierze ci
I'll animal to you - zwierze ci sie
Thanks from the mountain - dziekuje z gory
Paintings coin - obrazy Moneta
I feel train to you - czuje do ciebie pociag
go out on people - wyjsc na ludzi
cut off myself a nap - uciac sobie drzemke
It's after apples - juz po jablkach
It's after birds - juz po ptokach
without small garden - bez ogrodek
Brain tire fire = zapalenie opon mozgowych
To go to the second page of the street = przejsc na druga trone ulicy
Do you divide my sentence? = Czy podzielasz moje zdanie?
Give me the second time = daj mi sekunde czasu
Heritage of prices = spadek cen
The Universal Pregnancy Law = Prawo Powszechnego Ciazenia
To make the profit on time = zyskac na czasie
Rail on you! = kolej na ciebie!
The profits are flying into the hole = zyski leca w dol
Serious music concert = koncert muzyki powaznej
Can you throw me up? = mozesz mnie podrzucic?
Nie mam innego wyjscia = I have no other exit.
golnac kielicha = to shave a glass
cukier w kostkach = sugar in ankles
pojsc komus na reke = to step someone's hand
Droga Pani X... = Road Mrs X...
pociag do Zakopanego = a train to the buried
Na wszelki wypadek = On every accident
Ale jaja = But eggs
O kurcze! = Oh, chicken!
Pokoj z toba = Room with you
nie lodz sie = don't boat yourself
nie drzyj sie = don't tear yourself
Nowe ustalenia = new lazy boy's lips
ozenilem sie = I wifed myself
psiakosc! = dogs bone
w morde jeza! = in the face of hedgehod!
motyla noga! = butterfly's leg! "Mis" - rulez- to chyba , GULIwer 6/04/01 08:09
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